Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A New Sentence

Over the last week or so, Jake has learned how to say "I love you Daddy!" And in the last couple of days I have been added - "I love you Mommy!" It's just the best thing. Today when I picked him up from Heather's, he said "I love you Mommy!" and I responded, "Aw thanks Jakey, I love you too!" Then, he said "Kiss Mommy!" and puckered up (truly a rare event - he's such a boy). He's such a sweetie. All in all, I'm really impressed with his vocab. He routinely says two-word sentences, and has expanded to several three-word sentences. It's probably normal for his age, but it's just astonishing to think he's only really been talking for six or eight months. Their little brains really are sponges (hence Daddy and I have learned to watch our language; I think the worst I've heard from Jake is "Oh Lordy!", beacause when driving that tends to be my exclamation if someone else - or I - do something stupid on the road).

In other news, Heather watched a little baby today, and apparently Jake just sat in front of the baby carrier smiling and staring at the baby. Hopefully we'll have a similar reaction when baby brother comes home! 23 weeks down today, 17 to go!

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