Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Daddy Update

In honor of Daddy letting me sleep in for HOURS today, I'll give you a quick update on the Dad-happenings around here.
-Ryan was elected "Senior Articles Editor" of the Marquette Law Review. What does that mean, you might ask? Well, it's the third position from the top and if last year is any indication of things, it's often given to one of the smartest (if not THE smartest) people on law review. It'll be his responsibility to weed through the submitted articles and determine whether they should be published or not. He's apparently going to hit the ground running, with the busiest times in April and August. Good news is that I'm off in April. We're very happy for him and very proud of him!
-The job at Johnson Controls is winding down, but still keeping him very busy.
-Finals are April 27th through May 1st.
-He's gearing up for his job at Foley & Lardner, very very excited!
-And finally, Daddy felt the baby kick for the first time today!

Hooray for Dad!

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