Sunday, March 15, 2009

Has spring finally sprung?

This is the question those of us in WI find ourselves asking this time of year. Especially after two really nice days in the 50s. We had a really fun weekend. Saturday Jake, Dad, and I went to the big park near our apartment and played for a long time. Jake had fun going down the slides and hiding inside a difficult to describe climbing apparatus. Today, Jake and I went to the park (a different one) again; we saw a "choo-choo twain" and chased after bubbles (usually to no avail, but he laughed and squealed the whole time). Then we went shopping at Target (Mommy's favorite) and looked for new books and puzzles that the Easter Bunny might bring for Jake (I think the EB's got some ideas ;)).

Funny, quirky moments from the weekend:

-Jake has sunglasses that are his size, and after Dad changed his diaper today I heard "Now you're a true ladies' man!" and out came my husband carrying our son, who had wrap-around sunglasses and a huge grin on his face.

-Jake is thoroughly convinced that the first bite of any food, even if it just came out of the freezer, is HOT. He informs me of this, then refuses to eat it unless I blow on it to cool it down.

-In addition to taking his identical Pooh Bear blankie toys to bed (Mama, TWO BLANKIES!!!), Jake now insists that he bring his "Goodnight Thumper" book to bed as well. It's actually quite nice, as it's led to very smooth bedtimes!

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