Thursday, April 9, 2009

Proudest Moment of the Day

While Jake does many amazing things (seemingly more every day), I think today's takes the cake - at least for a while.

I was a little late getting dinner ready tonight, we had quick chicken parm with pasta/noodles/"goo-ga's" in Jake terms. Anyway, Ryan got a bowl of pasta ready for him while the chicken finished cooking so Jake could get started eating. Dad helped Jake sit down in his booster seat, and Jake started going to town shoving noodles into his mouth (note to self: cook faster and/or earlier next time). Then I hear him talking quietly to himself saying what sounds like "Bess us O Wowd an bees by giffs..." with some additional babble, and ending with "Name of Fader, an Son, and Howy Spiwit AMEN."

Blessed Holy Week/Passover to all!

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