Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pajama Party

Ryan was at the library late again last night, and Jake woke up late in the morning and again from his nap, so I decided to try having a pajama party movie night with the two of us. We got the movie "Finding Nemo" since he loves fish so much. After dinner we (well he) took a bath, and we put on our jammies, and made some popcorn. Mom bought Raisinettes and Junior Mints at the store too, so we had quite the feast! Jake made it through about a half hour of the movie, maybe a little more. He loved the popcorn and the candy, and as you can see he also thoroughly enjoyed wearing Mom's pink slippers. Jake also spent a good portion of the movie asking "Eemo, uh are youuuuu?" which means "Nemo, where are you?" It was a good time, and I think we're both looking forward to doing it again soon :)

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