Thursday, April 30, 2009

Big Backyard and Other Adventures

Today, April 30th, brings many changes for us. First, Ryan has his LAST final exam tomorrow for the 2L year, so this signifies the last night (at least for a good while) that we won't all get to have dinner together at home and do the bedtime ritual together! We're all excited to have Daddy back (not that he was gone per-say, but you know). It also is the last day of my vacation month, which is both sad and happy. I've really loved having these days with Jake - what a blessing. Plus I feel like I could use another vacation month to get ready for moving. However, with the end of vacation comes the last rotation of medical school EVER (barring something awful happening). And with the end of this final rotation (and it's a not too demanding one at that), graduation arrives. I hate to sound melodramatic, but I've been waiting and working for May 15th 2009 for pretty much as long as I can remember. Holy cow.

Today, Jake and I visited the Big Backyard in New Berlin. It was kind of a yucky day, so not a good one for the park. Big Backyard is like an indoor park complete with play structures, but it's nice for little kids because there are houses to play in, trikes to ride, balls to play with, and Jake's favorite - the Cozy Coupe (that red and yellow retro car that you drive with your feet, Flintstones-style). Jake was not a fan of sharing it with the other boy his age, but got better the longer we were there. He did a very good job of sharing the houses with his 18 month old houseguest, however. He had an absolute blast, and was not happy to leave, but was a trooper. Something tells me we'll be back there soon.

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