Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hello, and welcome to the first official post on our family blog! We've been blessed with family and friends who are scattered throughout the country, and in an effort to better spread exciting (or boring) family news I decided to start up a blog. My hope is to give little life updates (mostly regarding the kids) and post pictures for everyone to have access to. I certainly can't promise that it'll be as riveting as some other blogs (I heard about this "Whatever Happened to Crazy" blog that's supposed to be pretty sweet), but I hope whoever reads it will enjoy it.

So, brief update to anyone interested. Today marks the 18th week of my pregnancy, and in two weeks we will be having the big ultrasound! And yes, we absolutely are going to find out the sex. This is one of the few remaining areas in which my Type A personality rears its head - I want to be as ready as possible (which is to say, hardly ready at all). Ryan is doing well, aside from a little fender-bender this evening (everyone is ok except Ryan's ego, and the Accent is mostly ok though it'll likely require some body work as will the other driver's car). I'm doing well, really enjoying my current rotation and looking forward to graduation. And Jake is fabulous as usual. Here's our most current adventure:

Jake and I flew to Las Vegas for Captain Debbie Lindeman and James Lindeman's marriage ceremony. It was so wonderful to see them, as well as my other wonderful friends Sarah, Kim, and Tracy, and to meet some new people too. Despite a couple of rocky nights, on the whole Jake slept well, had a blast with both sets of grandparents and his great aunt and uncle, and he was just a ham at the wedding reception. Moment of the evening: Jake dancing on the dance floor to "Ice, Ice Baby". Yup, he's his father's son.

So finally, here are a couple of recent pictures of Jake centering around some of his favorite objects - cell phones, glasses, shoes, and pens. Enjoy!

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