Monday, February 23, 2009

His Father's Son, but Still a Mama's Boy

Ok, I realize Jake looks a little terrified in the picture, but really he was happy to be "nuggle-ing" (Jakespeak for snuggling) with Mom.

Now a quick story, which is part of the reason for this title's post. Yesterday Jake, Ryan, and I were watching Sesame Street, and Count von Count came on. Jake started pointing and shrieking "COUNT!! COUNT!!" Awesome. So then the Count started counting, and Jake counted along, until they reached six - the number of the day. At that point the game-show style music came on and confetti and balloons littered the screen, and Jake was jumping up and down (as best as a 20 month-old can do), clapping his hands, and yelling "YAY! SIX! YAY!" Now this must be some genetic anomaly - you'll probably recall that Ryan was the "Math Champion of Nevada" in 8th grade. Do we have another potential math champ on our hands? Only time will tell... ;)

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