Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blessed Lent to All

Happy (I guess) Ash Wednesday to everyone. Well, "happy" might not be appropriate, but I guess we can be happy that we get these 40 days to work on improving our faith and ourselves - I guess in that sense it is "happy".

Jake and I went to Ash Wednesday Mass this morning (Daddy had class early and had to get there even earlier to prepare for it, so he went to Mass at noon at school). Jake was a very well behaved boy as he almost always is. We had the entire cry room to ourselves as seating in the main Church was limited (it was Mass for the school kids, but a whole bunch of grown-ups were there too), but he sat or stood quietly the entire Mass. Fun highlights: Jake trying to dance and sing along with the liturgical music; Jake kneeling while Mommy knelt, then getting up because he couldn't see, then kneeling again, etc; Jake being thoroughly confused by the ashes on Mommy's forehead; and finally, Jake, during the Sign of Peace, heading out the cry room door to look for Daddy very excitedly so he could say "Peace" and give him a kiss. I felt bad when he was so disappointed that Dad wasn't there, but assured him that he could kiss Daddy and say "Peace" with him later. Plus a hand full of fruity freeze dried snacks never hurts ;)

Take care, and Blessed Lent to everyone!

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