Monday, February 23, 2009

Games with Fun Names

Last night, narrowly evading a melt-down, Ryan suggested to Jake that they play "Ring Around the Rosies" which is one of Jake's favorite games. In the past, when he's wanted to play it again, he's simply said "Again!" However, last night he got up after "we all fall down" and insistently said "Wing o' wosies pocket asses!" Needless to say, it took Ryan and me a few extra seconds to get up, as we were rolling with laughter. I hope this isn't one of those stories for which you had to be there to enjoy it ;)

I have a new picture to post, but my camera battery died and I'm still charging it (after putting it in the charger incorrectly overnight - someone should ask MCW if they're sure I should have a diploma :P). Will get it up as soon as possible.

In other news, Ryan submitted his original article for Law Review last week. It's entitled "When is a Victim Not a 'Victim'? Interpreting the Federal Fraud and Theft Sentencing Guideline". It's also 45 pages long. I promised I'd read it. Oh boy... Anyway, he'll find out in a couple of weeks whether it'll make it into the next issue of Marquette's Law Review.

That's about it, we've kind of been home-bodies since we got about 8 inches of snow over the weekend. Hope everyone's doing well!

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