Thursday, December 31, 2009

We Wish You a Merry Christmas...

We had a great time visiting our families in Las Vegas for Christmas. The boys were absolute angels on the flights there and back, and were really great during the entire trip. They both had so much fun with both sets of grandparents. Jake is especially into both of his grandpas right now - he'd walk around going "Grandpa, where are you?" at both houses. But he certainly loves his grandmas too :) It was also wonderful to see our many other family members and friends - thanks for helping to make our visit as awesome as it was! (Note: I apologize for the lack of pictures from Chirstmas Eve, I forgot my camera that night. As soon as I get some pics from that night I'll post).

All the goodies Santa brought for the boys.

Grandma Sue and Grandpa Earl's Christmas tree

Jake opening a few of his Thomas trains

Ben perusing his new interactive Pooh Bear book with Grandpa Earl

It's my first Christmas!

Ben cuddling his new stuffed giraffe

Ben with his new teddy bear and push-over penguin

That says it all, doesn't it?

Ben's first Christmas :)

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