Monday, December 7, 2009

Jake's Letter to Santa

In case you can't read Mom's stellar handwriting:

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a good boy this year. For Christmas, I would please like:

1. a Thomas tent
2. some Thomas trains
3. puzzles
4. a mailbox
5. books
6. Hungry Hungry Hippos game
7. a jacket

Thank you so much for my presents. I will make some yummy cookies for you, and I hope your reindeer are feeling well.

Jake Parsons
(Jacob in yellow - written by Jake!)

PS. I'll get some carrots too for your reindeer.

(Jake picked all those items out of a catalog, except the jacket, which he threw on the list at the end to my surprise! He was also insistent that I include the part about the carrots ;))

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