Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So Much to Update!

Hello loyal readers,

Sorry for the long hiatus. It's been a busy month. In brief, Grandma Sue came to visit for two weeks. Grandma and Grandpa P came out for a few days. Ben was baptized. Mom's been scheduling residency interviews. Dad is hard at work with school stuff. And it was Halloween!

We had a great time with Grammy Sue. She always thinks up great art projects for Jake, and babysat for us a few times so we could get out on a date! It was also wonderful to see Grandma and Grandpa P, who graciously offered to stay overnight so we could get a full night's rest (I'm not ready for that yet but it was a nice offer), and we can't wait to see them again, hopefully soon! We also got to see Uncle Matt who drove up from Chicago. Jake even let Uncle Matt see his trains and hold them - I don't know if anyone can grasp the seriousness of that (whenever Ryan or I touch the trains, it results in a holler-fest). The baptism was beautiful. It was performed by our new priest, Father Phillip (who is like a year older than we are - man I feel old). We're so thankful for Ben's wonderful godparents, Roger and Diane, and are so happy they agreed to be his godparents. As for me, I got seven out of eight residency interviews, the first of which is November 19th. I'm very excited (and a little nervous too). Ryan's still working hard, hopefully next semester will let up a bit. Jakey is doing well, loving all things Thomas the Tank Engine. Ben is great too, he's a chunker at over 18lbs!

This may end up just being several posts of pictures, I'll try to get some captions in but given that the boys have conspired to have separate naptimes it might not happen. Sorry to have kept you all waiting, hope everyone is doing well! :)

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