Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Quick Update

-Jake still likes Ben. A lot. Today he wanted to share the boppy with him. Jake also likes to show off his train tracks set to Ben - he pointed out the train and its color, and the animals around the track.
-Ben smiled and cooed today while Jake and I were playing with him. Super cute!
-Over the weekend we had a four-hour stretch two nights in a row. Now we're back to a three-hour stretch, but last night we had two three-hour stretches of sleep. Hooray!
-Two weeks ago Ben was 10lbs 10oz. If anyone out there's thinking about sending clothing, we're very grateful, but consider sending 3-6month sizes ;)
-Ben's next checkup is Sept 16th, I'll keep you all posted.
-No word on Ryan's job situation yet - we will also keep you posted on that.
-Residency applications officially opened up today. Yikes!

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