Sunday, September 27, 2009

More quick updates and some new pictures

Here are the most recent headlines from the Parsons' house:

-Ryan was offered a clerkship with Judge Diane Sykes of the 7th Circuit Court/Federal Court of Appeals. He accepted gladly, as this is a very prestigious job and a fabulous opportunity. So he'll clerk for a year and then work for Foley.

-Lauren has two interviews lined up for pathology residency, one at MCW and one at University of Illinios-Chicago. Let's keep hoping for more!

-Jake gets to go to a train class at the zoo on Tuesday! He LOVES trains, especially Thomas the Tank Engine. He also took a trip to the library to get - you guessed it - Thomas books, and he loved it (and them too!).

-Ben is a chunky monkey at nearly 14lbs, putting him at the 95%for weight. He's also about 90% for length. And he smiles! Such a good little baby.

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