Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tomorrow's the Big Day! (hopefully)

Tomorrow is the big day! We're going to the hospital in the morning to induce labor, and hopefully baby Ben will make his big debut tomorrow as well. Inductions can be tricky things for those of you who've never had the pleasure (read: sarcasm). It can take a while to get the dose of the medicine (pitocin) correct for each woman's body, so it can take a long time to get the process going smoothly. Often the docs will have to give you a special medicine to help soften the cervix as well (yeah, TMI for all the men out there); thankfully in my case, I'm already just about 3cm (of 10) so my MD doesn't anticipate needing it (that can slow things down even more).

Please send your thoughts and prayers for a healthy (and quick and not-too-painful) delivery for both baby Ben and me. Hopefully pictures will be soon to follow! :)

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