Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blankie, an unofficial member of the household

Like most two year olds, my son has been known to throw a temper tantrum or two from time to time (read: daily - well, maybe not that bad, but sometimes it seems like it ;)). Our pediatrician recommended starting "time-outs" with Jake - picking a safe spot for him to sit, setting a timer for two minutes, you know the drill. The offense we've chosen to tackle with the T.O. at this point is a screaming tantrum, both for our sake and the neighbors'. We have a nice little routine set up, complete with a warning beforehand and a brief discussion/hug/"I love you" afterward, and though he generally screams through the whole time out, he has only once continued to scream or screamed again after a time out.

This morning, Jake and I were downstairs and he had his "blankie" with him. All of a sudden he says, "Blankie, you need time out." He marched it over to the bottom of the stairs (his TO spot), asked me to set the timer, then went over after a few seconds and said "Blankie, no more screaming. I wub you."

Other conversations with blankie have included:

"Don't be scared Bwankie, it's alright. I'll ho-ju (which means "hold you").

(after hitting Blankie with a soft stuffed baseball) "Oh Bwankie! You o-tay? I sowwy. Give a kiss" *kisses the blanket*

He's so sincere with this stuff it just cracks me up, and it's sweet that he seems to be developing empathy/sympathy - even if it's towards a blanket ;)

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