Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Jakey!

It's hard to believe that Jakey is a two-year-old. His birthday was Wednesday, June 17th. Fun trivia: his actual birth day coincided with Father's Day; that was one rockin gift from me (and it's true, Ryan and Grandpa Earl did not receive their Father's Day cards that year - I was a little busy).

Jake's birthday party with friends will be in a week, but we did do some fun stuff on the actual day. In the morning we had a doctor's appointment - no shots, yippee! Then we went to the library to read and play with Brio trains. Then after nap we went to the zoo and saw the giraffes (Jake requested them specifically). Finally I took Jake to pick out a birthday cake.

Enjoy some pictures of Jake enjoying his birthday cake and his new T-ball set!

Here's the cake he picked with two candles. He was nervous about it at first, but then...

he realized he would get to blow out the candles! And boy was he excited about that!

He took a bite of cake, but really dove into the star-shaped sprinkles.
Here's his T-ball set. He's winding up...
and it's a base hit! Needless to say it was tough to get him away from this and ready for bed.

It was a fun day. Hard to believe he's already two. And almost a big brother! Happy birthday Jakey, we love you!

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