Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there reading this, particularly Grandpa Earl and Grandpa P. Thank you both for setting such a good example of what it is to be a good parent (along with the grandmas), and please know that you are appreciated and loved very very much.

Today, for Father's Day, Ryan got cards (the one from Jakey was recordable, and I got him to say "I love you Daddy" - it was awesome, Ryan almost cried), two books (one on golfing and one with quotes/letters from the founding fathers - Ryan's a big Revolutionary War/history buff), and Tiger Woods Golf 2010 for Wii. I might not see him again for a while ;) We mostly just took it easy today, which was nice and the way Daddy wanted it, especially after doing lots of housework and prepping for Baby Ben yesterday.

For dinner we decided to grill. We made burgers (Daddy's favorite) with BBQ sauce, oven fries, and spinach salad (well, I ate that - no one else did). Yum yum! Then, for desert, Daddy suggested s'mores. Those were super-delicious as well. Jake certainly enjoyed them, as you'll see below:

The boy loves his chocolate, I will say that. And he was really hamming it up for the camera toinght :) Needless to say, there was significant face and handwashing this evening, as well as spotting of the clothing ;) Hope everyone had a great Father's Day!

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