Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ben Turns One!

I can't believe it - Baby Ben is one year old! Oh how I love our sweet littlest boy. A quick recap of his original birthday.. I was induced at 39 weeks over some concerns relating to blood pressure (luckily nothing serious). After about 16 hours of labor, Baby Ben graced us with his presence, weighing 7 lbs, 12 oz. An adorable snuggler from the start, it was wonderful to cuddle my newest little man for the first few hours. Unfortunately, our blood types weren't compatible and he had to spend some extra time in the hospital under the bili lights. That was extremely un-fun. And after we got him home he still had to sleep on a bili-bed with a bili wrap and get daily bili level checks (read: heel sticks). But my little guy was so easy going, even from the start, he barely put up a fuss. And after that, we began adjusting to the new normal, and today our family wouldn't be complete without our wonderful Benjamin Joseph :)

Because his birthday was during the week, we saved the party for a later weekend. On his actual birthday, Ben had his first cupcake!

You want me to do WHAT with this thing?

Hmmm, the white stuff feels kinda squishy.

Okay, well, if you feed it to me, I'll try it.

Mmmmmm, frosting is good for licking!

Yum yum yum yum!

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