Thursday, May 27, 2010

Swearing-In Ceremony at the Wisconsin Supreme Court

Thanks to a lovely little Wisconsin policy, graduates of the two Wisconsin law schools (UW and Marquette) do not have to pass the state bar exam in order to be admitted to the bar. So right after graduation weekend, on Monday May 24th Ryan was admitted to the bar!

Entrance to the Courtroom

Hey Badger (we're the Badger state, so a golden badger hangs out above the courtroom)

The Bench (yeah, don't you love it when I drop lawyer lingo? ;))

Here comes Ryan! He's small, but he's there!

Chief Justice Abrahamson leading the swearing in proceedings.

Awesome picture of Ryan taking the oath

Justice Prosser, for whom Ryan interned last fall. By all accounts he is just a stand up guy. Coolest thing during the swearing-in: the Justice says "We've benefited from Marquette's excellence by having interns and law clerks from the university work with us. In fact, I see one of my former interns today, Ryan Parsons."
Awesome picture with Justice Prosser. I almost got busted for this one by the woman who keeps things running at the court, but the Justice happily obliged so she couldn't say no.

Ryan and his pal Dean Kearney after the swearing in.

Ryan and his proud parents

The new attorney with his proud wife :)

View of the Capitol Building from outside

Roll call!

Isn't he dashing? ;)

Signing the Supreme Court Roll

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