Monday, April 5, 2010

One Thing I'll Miss about This Place

As many know, there has been occasional drama regarding our residence this year. Ultimately, I think that a family with two young boys and an occasionally yappy dog needs it's own living space separate from other people. There are certainly some things I'll miss about this place however, this being one of them:
Last weekend while we were eating breakfast, Jake looked out the window and said "Look Mommy! A rhino!" At first I had no idea what he was talking about, but when I looked out the window there it was - no, not a rhino, a deer! In fact, there were five of them up on the hill that abuts our backyard. One of them even ran right past our window before it sped out across the street and took a flying leap into the field. It was pretty cool. I know, they've got ticks and bugs and are a pain when you drive, but they sure are pretty.

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