Monday, March 15, 2010

We're Back!

Wow, a month since my last post? Yikes. In my defense, we were in Las Vegas for 10 days.

Anyway, it's been an exciting month so far. The little boys and I were in Vegas from March 1-10. Dad stayed home because he had school. We had a blast with the grandparents. Jake loves them all, but he really really loves being around his grandpas. While we were there, we rode a train, went to a petting zoo, stole Grandpa P's easy chair (many times over), turned the lights out on Grandpa P while he was outside (many times over), played with lots of fun toys from both sets of grandparents, and generally had a great time all-around. I also had the opportunity to go baby/kiddo spring & summer clothing shopping (thanks Grandma Sue!), and see two very dear friends before I left. It was a whirlwind trip that was over before I knew it, but I'm glad we went and I'm also glad to be home. Hopefully pictures will soon follow (Grandma Sue took them, I didn't bring my camera).

I must admit this particular post serves a dual purpose. I'm trying to burn time before 11am. That's because today is the first day of Residency Match Week, the day not-so-fondly known as "Did I Match Day." It's basically what it sounds like. At 11am central time, I will log onto the NRMP website and find out whether I matched or not. If the news is good, I am kept waiting til Thursday to answer the next question - WHERE did I match? If the news is bad, the next several days will be spent scrambling (literally) for a residency position. Oy. I'll post the news either way to facebook probably immediately while I simultaneously make phone calls to the non-Facebookers out there, and I'll try to get back here with a quick one-liner. Hopefully the big news won't come til Thursday.

Fingers crossed and send up your prayers!! Have a good day everyone!

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