Saturday, March 27, 2010

An Exciting Week

This week has been a very busy and exciting one!

For starters, Jake started going on the potty! On Monday, he requested to sit on his "froggy potty" so he got naked, sat down, and we read a book. Just before we finished the book, I heard Ben fussing on the monitor so I ran upstairs to get him. When I came down, Jake had a huge smile on his face and was looking down excitedly. He said, "Mommy! Look!" I had no idea I could be so excited about seeing pee. Haha. There was lots of jumping up and down and high fives and cheering and dancing. Since then, he's gone five more times, three of which were today! Hooray for Jakey!

Next, we started looking for new places to live. Turns out we won't be able to get pre-approved for a mortgage until we both have pay stubs, so we're going to try and rent a home for a year. We think we've found one, we'll see it next week and let you know. As an aside, how ridiculous is it that a doctor and a lawyer can't get approved for a house?!

And yesterday was the busiest of all. First, Jake and I went and looked at a different house to consider renting. Then, we went to Bunnies Class at Zoo School. It was kind of pushing it nap-wise, but Jake really did a great job and seemed to have a lot of fun. He especially liked petting the real live bunny; he announced to the group after petting it, "I've gotta get one!" He had lots of fun playing around in shredded paper "grass" and "snow" looking for sticks and carrots to feed the pretend bunnies. And he even made bunny ears and a bunny tail - SO cute!! Finally, yesterday evening our friends Carla and Tony were kind enough to watch the boys for us while we attended Ryan's law review banquet. It was awesome to have an evening among adults, even if we did pay for it last night ;) Plus the boys had a fabulous time with their buddy Luke.

Well, that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


School Name: Medical College of Wisconsin
Applicant Name: Lauren Parsons

Congratulations, you have matched!

Program Code: 1784300C0
Program Name: Pathology
Institution Name: Med Coll Wisconsin Affil Hosps

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

An Old Irish Blessing
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!

They grow up so quickly!

No doubting this kid's paternity..

Ben's First (well, second) Trip to the Zoo

Ok, so it wasn't really Ben's first trip. We first took him when he was pretty darn little, but it was a very short trip and clearly he had no idea what was going on. This time, noticed the fish, which was fun! Here are some pictures:

A black bear. We hadn't seen this guy up and about before today!

A baby camel with it's mommy.

Rhino with super sharp horns.

Ridin' the carousel (Jake chose an ostrich)

Mommy and Jake on the zoo train while Ben took a little snooze with Dad.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Congratulations! You have matched.

We're Back!

Wow, a month since my last post? Yikes. In my defense, we were in Las Vegas for 10 days.

Anyway, it's been an exciting month so far. The little boys and I were in Vegas from March 1-10. Dad stayed home because he had school. We had a blast with the grandparents. Jake loves them all, but he really really loves being around his grandpas. While we were there, we rode a train, went to a petting zoo, stole Grandpa P's easy chair (many times over), turned the lights out on Grandpa P while he was outside (many times over), played with lots of fun toys from both sets of grandparents, and generally had a great time all-around. I also had the opportunity to go baby/kiddo spring & summer clothing shopping (thanks Grandma Sue!), and see two very dear friends before I left. It was a whirlwind trip that was over before I knew it, but I'm glad we went and I'm also glad to be home. Hopefully pictures will soon follow (Grandma Sue took them, I didn't bring my camera).

I must admit this particular post serves a dual purpose. I'm trying to burn time before 11am. That's because today is the first day of Residency Match Week, the day not-so-fondly known as "Did I Match Day." It's basically what it sounds like. At 11am central time, I will log onto the NRMP website and find out whether I matched or not. If the news is good, I am kept waiting til Thursday to answer the next question - WHERE did I match? If the news is bad, the next several days will be spent scrambling (literally) for a residency position. Oy. I'll post the news either way to facebook probably immediately while I simultaneously make phone calls to the non-Facebookers out there, and I'll try to get back here with a quick one-liner. Hopefully the big news won't come til Thursday.

Fingers crossed and send up your prayers!! Have a good day everyone!