Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ping Dong

That's the name of Jake's latest game. Yup, Ping Dong. Or sometimes Bing Dong. Ryan and I still don't really know where the name came from or what it means, but apparently the game goes something like this:

Jake says "Ping, Mom, PING!" and I'm supposed to hold out my hands with my palms facing him. Then he proceeds to punch my palms (we convinced him gentler is better) and start dancing, complete with butt-shaking. Then he runs off, finds his big soft foam yellow ball and starts kicking it around yelling "PING!" It seems like some bizarro boxing/soccer hybrid.

So I was relating this all to my mom today when I realized where the heck it came from. During our trip out there, we spent some time with my parents' neighbors. We went over to their house, and they were playing Wii Sports, and Jake was totally engrossed. As it turns out, he watched them play the boxing part of the game, and the immediately thereafter they played the soccer portion. The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that he thinks boxing and soccer are supposed to go together.

Now where the name "ping dong" came from, I still have no idea.

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