Sunday, March 6, 2011


I have been just awful at updating this thing. Sorry loyal readers :(

Things have been busy since the first of the year. Mostly just the same ol' type of busy - both of us working, being with the boys as much as we can, attempting to prevent the house from going to hell in a handbasket. However, we did have one exciting development - we're buying a house! The location is perfect for us - near the fam, near the freeway, near the hospital, and near a big park! More to come (including pictures ) after the appraisal is in.

Big congratulations are in order for our good friends Tony and Amanda on the birth of baby Everett! What a handsome baby boy, and congratulations to big brother Avery too! :) A huge congratulations also to my cousins Steve and Tricia on the birth of their adorable new baby girl Abby! Congratulations also to our friends Jordan and Nicole who welcomed their own little girl, Clara, a few days ago :) Babies everywhere (EXCEPT HERE!).

And finally, if you could keep in your prayers some good friends of ours and their son. Their little guy was diagnosed with leukemia last week. Now of all the awful things to get diagnosed with, this is on the better end of the spectrum, but they still have a long road ahead, so your thoughts and prayers for this wonderful little boy and his family would be greatly appreciated.

Take care all, and God bless!